Four seasons of Nakanomata
In April, In April, the pure white world of snow slowly starts to melt.
Experience the lingering snow and the new greenery at the same time, encounter the tastes of spring, or why not head to the mountains to pick wild vegetables? On May 3 and 4, the Spring Festival is held, the portable shrine is paraded around the village, and a lion dance is performed with flutes and drumming. In mid-May, you can try your hand at transplanting rice seedlings under guidance from local residents. the pure white world of snow slowly starts to melt. Experience the lingering snow and the new greenery at the same time, encounter the tastes of spring, or why not head to the mountains to pick wild vegetables? On May 3 and 4, the Spring Festival is held, the portable shrine is paraded around the village, and a lion dance is performed with flutes and drumming. In mid-May, you can try your hand at transplanting rice seedlings under guidance from local residents.
In the hot summer, how about a visit to Nakanomata River to cool down in a soothing breeze? The river is full of living creatures such as loaches and dragonfly larvae. The current is gentle, so even young children can play in the river safely. Adults too, can feel like kids again and enjoy themselves. There are few artificial lights at night, so a starlit walk is recommended too. From late June until late July, you can encounter fireflies when you walk along the footpaths between the rice fields.
Here and there in the terraced rice fields, the rice-drying racks appear, to dry out the harvested rice plants. They are a manifestation of the sweat and tears of the villagers, who have worked hard to protect the rice fields from natural menaces such as wild boars and typhoons. In Nakanomata, as well as Kosh-hikari rice, the illusive glutinous rice variety Akuden is grown too. Nakanomata rice is a precious grain that is does not appear on the market. You can experience rice harvesting and drying in September, and eat the long-awaited brand new rice in late October.
In Nakanomata, which is blanketed by three meters of snow during heavy periods, you can see the reliable sight of the villagers shoveling snow. You can help with the snow shoveling, take a walk wearing snow shoes, or play with sleds on the terraced rice fields. After a thorough workout, how about joining in the grandmas’ tea party? No matter how cold the winter, your heart and body are bound to warm up when you visit Nakanomata!
Photo:Hideaki Sato
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